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Our Jubi room caters for children under three – both infants and toddlers.

We understand the significance of nurturing and building relationships with very young children alongside their families. It is these strong relationships and a sense of belonging that are built from consistent, emotional support that gives young children a secure base for their learning and exploration. Belonging is an integral part of identity. By creating a sense of identity, the children are learning about themselves within the context of their families and communities. In Jubi we work with families to maintain the routines from home while also responding to children’s cues. Care giving routines, such as meals, nappy changes and toileting are done in an unhurried manner with all interactions seen as opportunities for learning.  


We understand children in Jubi are ‘still learning to’ master physical skills, communicate their needs and develop their creative and social skills. Through our planned and spontaneous learning experiences, the routines, and transitions, the interactions and our carefully designed and planned learning environments, children are given many opportunities to practice and refine skills. It is in this process of unhurried time with concrete hands on experiences that children develop skills for later learning. These skills include, curiosity, persistence and problem solving.


Educators closely guide and support children as they express their emotions and begin to learn to self-regulate these emotions and interact with others. It is this respectful guidance that is central to their belonging, being and becoming.


Throughout your time as a parent in Jubi, we invite you to contribute to our program and share in the decision making about your child’s learning, development, and well-being.

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